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Facility ID:  306004800

Lesli P.

Daughter of a resident


I have both my parents, Bill & Virginia, living here! Mom for little over 6 years and Dad joined her 4 years ago, in February.

Cathy and Justin, along with the caregiver staff, all take good care of them and provide most comforts of home, even if they're not able to be in their own home any more!

Dad has one of the private rooms and mom shares a room with Dorthea, another long time resident.  It works out great since Dad is more mobile and spends more time in his room, almost a little studio apartment, and Mom is only in her room to sleep.  He enjoys watching the Angels and Clippers in his room on his big screen TV from home, and caregivers Aquilo or Jun, which ever one is working that day, usually watch with him!  He goes out to the common area a few times a day to say hello to and give or blow a kiss to Mom, who isn't mobile any longer, but observes the coming and goings, from her recliner, and visits with other residents or visitors, best she can.  He also has his breakfast, lunch and dinner out in the common area dining area, with the other residents, unless I bring lunch that day, and then we have a nice dad and daughter lunch in his room.

It's a bright and sunny place and if you just ask, they'll try and accommodate most wants and needs.  I'm still involved with my parents care, but since they've lived at Integrity Guest Home, I've been able to put my focus back to being a daughter to them again and not sole caregiver.

It's been wonderful!

Integrity Guest Home, Inc.

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